Sunday, January 29, 2012

Acceptance is the first step to change

There comes a time in life where there is nothing more you can do. You may not have always done the right things but in certain situations you have come to an end. You need to let matters go and just accept that it is done. Accepting is the only attitude we have that allows us to move forward. You are not responsible for others actions - only your own.

 It is good for you to care what others think but when it comes to someone who can care less about you then what does it matter what they think? Too much time and thought is spent on matters that don't matter. Keep your nose to the ground and focus on yourself and those closest to you - that is our responsibility. Nobody else is going to "make it" for you but you and people will always let you down - never become dependant upon another person or persons. If you are dependant upon another person you are in your own personal prison.

Find yourself and be yourself - not what you think others want you to be but who you are. You will never please everyone and everyone is not going to like you - so what. We are all different and have taken different roads in life. Stop blaming other people. Take the blame yourself - you are where your at right now because of the choices you have made. Remember, acceptance is the first step to change.

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