Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Starving for... by Maribeth Jordan

I know this picture is disturbing but it is supposed to be... it shows just how selfish and blind we have become to those in need. If this picture doesn't bother you then I would say your heart has turned cold. The sad part about this message is most will read it, feel bad but do little or nothing to change it because it's "not my problem". Let me say one thing here - we are called to love one another no matter where they are.

I did something yesterday that I was very ashamed of. While driving out of a parking lot I saw a homeless man with a large sack over his back trying to get the attention of a few drivers heading out towards the main road - I was one of those drivers and kept on driving. The excuses started pouring into my mind justifying my actions... "he looked bad, unhealthy, what if he was unsafe" and "I am on a tight schedule today I didn't have time". SO WHAT -would it have hurt for me to stop, roll down my window and see what he wanted? I then knew my selfishness failed a test from God and I immediately asked for forgiveness and began to pray for this man - that was the very least I could do and perhaps the best.

I understand not everyone can financially give to help those less fortunate but we all have the ability to pray for others. Pray prompts the Lord into action... you may not see the action but his promise is to answer prayer. Seek and ye shall find (that's a decision) knock and the door will be opened (that's an action). We have to decide first and then take action.

The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.


  1. You are not alone...many pass by the less fortunate often thinking very negative thoughts about them. As you said if you are not able to assist monetarily...your prayers and legitimate concerns for them cost nothing but your time and time is a gift given to all by we are called to always use it wisely.

  2. The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.very well said

    Meaningful write up and feel great to think this way ...Interesting blog maribeth

