Monday, June 27, 2011

Don't Waste Time by Judging Others - it's NOT your job... by Maribeth Jordan

How many times have you been judged for someone else's actions? You know, from a close friend or family member pointing the finger at you because someone close to you chose to do wrong. Judgement from another human being is NOT valid. Judgements are usually biased, made without all facts, and a simple case of fear and insecurity. The old statement holds true... walk a mile in my shoes....

When we overlook the "offender of action" and blame someone close to him/her we are not only excusing their behavior but enabling them to continue by inadvertently blaming another for their actions. Why do people do this? Usually because the offender is weak and does not exhibit the strength to change OR because the "judge" in this case is to weak to confront and it is much easier to blame... a couple more are - jealousy and just plain ignorance!

Most people in this situation find themselves segregated from friends or family... let me say this - If that is your situation then don't fight it. If your not worthy to be around certain people because of someone else's judgements then that is NOT time you want to spend anyway. That is their problem and if they don't think so it's because they are not mature. Maturity is LOVE and ACCEPTANCE and if that isn't being exhibited in your case then consider yourself fortunate that you don't have to spend valued time with someone immature.

Lastly, we can all learn from another... nobody is above reproach. When people make mistakes whether it being the individual themselves or a close friend or family member to the "offender" don't make hasty decisions, don't cast them out, DON'T JUDGE! These people can become someone great whether you think so or not no matter how old, uneducated, poor, mean, etc... example:

Moses was 80 and a murderer before GOD used him and he became a great leader of people. Noah drank to much. Peter denied the LORD three times. Paul was a murderer of Christians before GOD used him. David was an adulterer. Jonah was rebellious and ran from GOD... the list goes on.... these men were all GREAT men of the LORD that he used for GREAT things!

My point, Anybody can be used for great things and it starts with LOVE and ACCEPTANCE after forgiveness (if need be). Even the bum on the street, the drug addict or prostitute can teach us something - possibly different for each person but something. It's the person who claims to have it all together who is LOST. It's the person who can't love unconditionally who is LOST. I just heard a wonderful sermon that had these words in it -
" How can you ever learn unconditional love if the person meets all of the conditions"

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