Saturday, March 12, 2011

Prayer Requests ~ from Hope

I posted a comment on the Hope page yesterday asking if anybody needed prayer. My husband and I thought it would be good to start broadening our prayers to include other peoples needs. I was overwhelmed at the amount of requests received - we all have so many needs.... some painful, some concern, sadness, lost, etc... the list can go on and on.

I encourage you to go over some of these requests and pick just a few to pray over. The power of prayer is strong... especially in numbers. We may not always get what we ask for but we certainly get an answer or the help/comfort that is needed. We pray for the power of the Lord to move in situations and he promises to honor our prayers. Just know whatever the outcome, he was/is in control of that situation and it was his will/timing for that particular situation/outcome.

Please remember one verse as I end this blog today. Romans 8:28... I will not write it out here, I want you to look it up. Leave the verse in a comment at the end of this blog. This is an answer from our Lord.

Please remember to visit the site and pray over some requests, you will surely be blessed for it.

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